About Us
Berentt Medical Technology can offer Service and Maintenance contracts to keep Technegas Generators optimally calibrated and generating high Technegas yields.
V/P scan with Technegas
Technegas is an ideal ventilation imaging agent used in the ventilation imaging part of the Ventilation/Perfusion S.P.E.C.T. (V/P S.P.E.C.T.) lung scintigraphy scan. The benefits include:
- cost-effective (compared to MRI and PET/CT)
- non-invasive diagnostic test
- quantitative measurements of functional lung imaging
- safe and comfortable for patients
- low dose radiation burden, [(1.3-2mSv) (maybe 1/40 of CT dosage in women's breast, 0.008 – 0.012 mSv to foetus, approx. 0.01 mSv to 0.02 mSv dosage to operating medical staff).
- few contraindications so that the scan is suitable for most patients and both sexes
- simple to perform with excellent imaging quality and accurate results which gives a definitive answer to clinicians, e.g. diagnosis of P.E./CTEPH, Left heart failure, pneumonia, bronchitis, COPD
- provide information of regional lung function (at segmental to sub-segmental level) in both airflow and circulation far beyond spirometry measurements
- provide physiological function of the lungs and its changes that help detecting early changes of the lungs with quantification and also monitoring treatment response and prognosis
- Assess airflow limitation of the lungs and disease severity
- Detect other comorbidities and guide appropriate treatment