Latest News
December 2023 - Competition - The Name of the Game
- A.N.Z.S.N.M --- April 24 to April 28, 2024 --- Christchurch, New Zealand
- SNNMI --- June 8 to June 11 --- Toronto, Canada.
- E.A.N.M. --- October 19 to October 23, Hamburg, Germany.
October 2023 - Updated Supply Arrangements
Owing to a major change in circumstances at Berentt Medical Technology (BMT), I would like to advise all customers of changes to ordering and service agreement contracts and maintenance. Until recently you have been ordering PAKs and arranging service agreements with Berentt’s distributor, Landauer Radiopharmaceuticals P/L (LDRP)
July 2022 - Regular Service is Crucial
Technegas: The Importance of Regular Service by Experienced Service Engineers.
Included in this recommendation is paying close attention to the condition of hoses and power leads, the quality of the Argon gas used to generate Technegas and the proper calibration of a Technegas’ simmer and burn temperatures.
November 2021 - Changes and Staying the Same
Following the passing of our dear colleague Professor Nabil Morcos on November 18th, 2020 there has been a restructure of the Charter Main business. Owing to legal requirements the Charter Main trading name will expire soon and: VENTI SYS OZ Pty. Ltd will commence as the new holding company of the service, maintenance and consumables business. This company will Trade under the name of: BERENTT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY
May 2021 - Covid-19 Going?
Now that the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be under control, at least in Australia, we thought it about time to dust the cob-webs off the V/P S.P.E.C.T. scan and recommence this valuable scanning technique. Much ado was recently made regarding the value or otherwise of brass in the contacts used to genrerate Technegas. This matter was put to rest in Newsletter One (copies available on request). Further to this, the almedis kits are fully registered in Australia (ARTG No 319260) after rigorous scrutiny by the authorised regulatory body in Australia and widely recognised as an equivalent delivery kit to what you are currently using.
October 2020 - Dangerous Sequelae of the Covid-19 Virus
Following up on the initial report on Covid-19 virus in the last issue (V1/N2), we at Charter Main would like to present this information on the sequelae of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) virus. About 30% of patients admitted to intensive care suffering from Covid-19 may experience long-term, permanent pulmonary damage.
September 2020 - Covid-19 Update
For those of us fortunate enough to hunker down and stay indoors during the current COVID-19 pandemic, our thoughts go out to the health care workers in our hospitals looking after our sick and infirm. We are lucky to have such dedicated individuals who day to day flirt with an invisible enemy, striking at random, striking some with lethal ferocity others mildly, seemingly with no discernible pattern.
July 2020 - Clarification of Recent Off-Label Claims
I believe that it was Mark Twain who once said “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” We refer here (again) to the egregious, disparaging, misleading and scare mongering attacks by the competition on our high quality product ‘Vent-Medis Kit’ registered in Australia as a Class IIb Medical Device (ARTG No 319260). Our product is designed, engineered and manufactured by almedis Altmann in Germany and is highly cost effective.